===== collection =====
one -to- many relationship => use a collection
==== OrderedCollection ====
dynamincally sized collection
| oc |
oc := OrderedCollection new: 1.
1 to: 3 do: [:n | a add: n].
^ a
an OrderedCollection(1 2 3)
==== RunArry ====
How do you compactly code (OredredCollection or Array)
#(plain plain plain bold bold bold bold) -대체-> 3--#plain, 4--#bold
==== Set ====
don't want duplicates in collection
#(1 1 1 1 2 2 2) asSet.
a Set(1 2)
==== Equality Method ====
새로운 object를 추가할때 equaluty 유지하기?
==== Hashing Method ====
==== Dictionary ====
==== Sorted Collection ====
collection 에서 어떤 특정 조건의 sorting
==== Array ====
colletion with fixed number of element
| a |
a := Array new: 5.
1 to: a size do: [ :n | a at: n put: n ].
^ a
#(1 2 3 4 5)
==== ByteArray ====
homogenous(균일한) information을 저장할때 사용
==== Interval ====
sequence number in collection
(1 to: 20) do: [:each | ...]
| collection oc |
collection := 1 to: 20 by: 2.
oc := OrderedCollection new.
oc addAll: collection.
^ oc
an OrderedCollection(1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19)