===== Offers ===== This is a marketplace for your macros. Please state your name, your email, and the release your macro is developed for (if you used a CVS snapshot, also state the revision number). Use a special pagename ''["macro/YourMacro.py"]'' and start your macro with the line {{{ #format python This way, the macro can directly be put on the page without any modification, and as easily copied from that page. See the examples below. ||'''Macro'''||'''Author'''||'''Email'''||'''Release'''||'''Revision'''||'''Sample'''|| ||["macro/AttentionPages.py"]||Richard Jones||richard@bizarsoftware.com.au||0.8||1.101||[[AttentionPages]]|| || ||||||||||This macro lists all pages which have an attention symbol in them along with their last-modified date. Attention symbols are and /!\ || ||["macro/Include.py"]||Richard Jones||richard@bizarsoftware.com.au||0.8||1.106|| [[Include(HelloWorld)]] || || ||||||||||This macro includes the formatted content of the given page, following recursive includes if encountered. Cycles are detected![[BR]]'''Now part of the CVS version!'''|| ||["macro/MissionStatement.py"]||Richard Jones||richard@bizarsoftware.com.au||0.8||N/A|| [[MissionStatement(2)]] || || ||||||||||Generates a "typical" company mission statement|| ||["macro/Orphans.py"]||Christian Bird||chris.bird@lineo.com||0.8||N/A||[[Orphans]] || || ||||||||||Lists the Orphan (some call them Zombies) pages (those with no ForwardLinks in MoinMoin)|| ||["macro/LimitedSearch.py"]||Christian Bird||chris.bird@lineo.com||0.8||N/A||[[LimitedSearch]] || || ||||||||||Allows searches limited to certain portions of the wiki by specifying a "root" page and searching n links away from the root|| ||["macro/SortBy.py"]||Tim Bird||tbird@lineo.com||0.8||N/A||[[SortBy(SortByExampleTable,1,number,1)]] || || ||||||||||Includes the first table on the indicated page, sorted by the given column (1=first column), using the indicated sorting type (out of: number, alpha, nocase and nosort), and preserving the first row of the table (or not = 0)|| ||["macro/EventsList.py"]||Shalabh Chaturvedi||shalabh at india.com||0.8||N/A|| Not yet || || ||||||||||Inserts a list events in a page where information about the events is extracted by parsing another wiki page. Filter can restrict events displayed.|| ||["macro/FaqContents.py"]||Tim Bird||tbird@lineo.com||0.8||N/A||[[FaqContents]]|| || ||||||||||Creates a table of contents for a page, with questions inserted in their various section headings. The questions should appear in the document preceded by "Q. ". This is good for putting at the top of FAQ pages.[[BR]] ''I edited it a little, especially made it to run with the Python 2.0 Wiki FAQ page. -- jh''|| ||["macro/HTML.py"]||Christian Bird||chris.bird@lineo.com||0.8||N/A||[[HTML(big)]|| || ||||||||||Is useful for outputing a very small snippet of HTML, like for changing font attributes or other things not supported by the wiki markup language|| ||["macro/ImageLink.py"]||Jeff Kunce||jeff@corrt.com||0.8||N/A||[[ImageLink(http://www.python.org,smile2.gif,border=0,alt="Go To Python")]] clicking the icon will take you to the Python home page || || ||||||||||Displays a MoinMoin icon or an image from a URL. If a target is specified, clicking on the image links to a MoinMoin page or a URL. HTML IMG tag attributes (width, height, alt, etc)are supported.|| Note that the samples will only work after I added the macros to the active code base. There are also some UtilityScripts. ===== Requests ===== If you are not familiar with Python and/or the MoinMoin code base, but have a need or an idea for a macro, this is the place to ask for it. Someone might find it useful, too, and implement it. * A macro for inclusion of images with width/height attributes, alignment, etc. * ;) ["macro/ImageLink.py"] above will do this * A macro that fetches (and caches!) the RecentChanges of other wikis and thus allows the creation of personal "unified changes" pages