====== Pattern Name ====== ''Name of Pattern '' '''Aliases:''' ''Aliases (or None at this time) '' ===== Problem ===== A statement of the problem this pattern solves. The problem may be stated as a question. ===== Context ===== The setting for the problem. This can include a description of the target user, e.g., developer, manager, customer. ===== Forces ===== The forces influencing the problem and solution. This can be represented as a list. * Force one * Force two ===== Solution ===== The solution to the problem. ===== Resulting Context ===== The context of the solution. This should include the new problems that appear as a result of applying the pattern that will require new patterns for their resolution. ===== Rationale ===== Explain the rationale behind the solution. Tell stories! Share your expertise. ===== Known Uses ===== List or describe places where the pattern is used. ===== Related Patterns ===== Describe any related patterns and their relationships with this pattern. ===== Sketch ===== Give a sketch, if needed. http://www.agcs.com/graphics/patterns/sketch.gif ---- '''Author(s):''' Author's name or "as told to" for pattern mining '''Date:''' Date string, e.g. 2000-12-31 [mailto:author@somewhere.com Send email to author(s)] ---- '''References:''' References cited in the pattern. ===== Keywords ===== A comma delimited string of terms to be used for searching. ===== Example ===== Sample implementation of the pattern, usually code, pseudo code, etc. {{{ xxx }}}