사진 보러 웹서핑 하다 우연히 찾은 Strangelove ..줄리안 프랭키풀이 포토그래퍼 였네요.(메이져에서 활동하는) 외국의 인디그룹의 상당 수 가 자기 직업을 가지거나 취미생활을 하는것이런 분위기가 부럽습니다. Sadly, Strangelove officially split on the 20th April 1998, depriving the music world of a talented and criminally underappreciated band. A full biography can be found at Electroskies because, basically Sarah says it much better than I can. And i'm lazy. But don't forget to come back here. Using the 'back' button on your browser. Still, whilst they were around, Strangelove were: Patrick Duff (vocals) Alex Lee (guitar) Julian Pransky-Poole (guitar) Joe Allen (bass) John Langley (drums) Nick Powell (keyboards) Patrick is currently doing solo gigs performing acoustically his new solo material. The last one was Upstairs At The Garage in London, on the 25th November. He will probably soon be putting some demos down on tape. Food have expressed an interest, so who knows? Here's an excerpt from a recent e-mail from julian, revealing what the rest of the ex-members are up to. me and joe are playing with a band project called SUNN with which we are recording the album with Massive Attacks producer ...and SUNN have just signed to Massive Attacks label Melankolic (through Virgin)...furthermore 3D signs a rap on a track...and the singer with SUNN Jon Harris is best friends with Massives 3D hence the future support tour with them.... The Rodney (Allen) thing is an occasional thing.... Astrid (Williamson, ex of Goya Dress) has asked us to do the next album with her... I''m going in the studio soon to put down three or four of my own songs. Alex is working with the Warm Jets. John is on tour with Witness (Island)....supporting Gene. Nick is doing the next Astrid tour with us supporting Roddy Frame.