
This is a marketplace for your macros. Please state your name, your email, and the release your macro is developed for (if you used a CVS snapshot, also state the revision number).

Use a special pagename [“macro/”] and start your macro with the line {{{ #format python </code> This way, the macro can directly be put on the page without any modification, and as easily copied from that page. See the examples below.

This macro lists all pages which have an attention symbol in them along with their last-modified date. Attention symbols are <!> and /!\
[“macro/”]Richard Include(HelloWorld)
This macro includes the formatted content of the given page, following recursive includes if encountered. Cycles are detected!BR'Now part of the CVS version!'
[“macro/”]Richard MissionStatement(2)
Generates a “typical” company mission statement
[“macro/”]Christian Birdchris.bird@lineo.com0.8N/AOrphans
Lists the Orphan (some call them Zombies) pages (those with no ForwardLinks in MoinMoin)
[“macro/”]Christian Birdchris.bird@lineo.com0.8N/ALimitedSearch
Allows searches limited to certain portions of the wiki by specifying a “root” page and searching n links away from the root
[“macro/”]Tim Birdtbird@lineo.com0.8N/ASortBy(SortByExampleTable,1,number,1)
Includes the first table on the indicated page, sorted by the given column (1=first column), using the indicated sorting type (out of: number, alpha, nocase and nosort), and preserving the first row of the table (or not = 0)
[“macro/”]Shalabh Chaturvedishalabh at india.com0.8N/A Not yet
Inserts a list events in a page where information about the events is extracted by parsing another wiki page. Filter can restrict events displayed.
[“macro/”]Tim Birdtbird@lineo.com0.8N/AFaqContents
Creates a table of contents for a page, with questions inserted in their various section headings. The questions should appear in the document preceded by “Q. ”. This is good for putting at the top of FAQ pages.BR I edited it a little, especially made it to run with the Python 2.0 Wiki FAQ page. – jh
[“macro/”]Christian Birdchris.bird@lineo.com0.8N/A| || ||||||||||Is useful for outputing a very small snippet of HTML, like for changing font attributes or other things not supported by the wiki markup language|| ||["macro/"]||Jeff Kunce||||0.8||N/A||[[ImageLink(,smile2.gif,border=0,alt="Go To Python") clicking the icon will take you to the Python home page
Displays a MoinMoin icon or an image from a URL. If a target is specified, clicking on the image links to a MoinMoin page or a URL. HTML IMG tag attributes (width, height, alt, etc)are supported.

Note that the samples will only work after I added the macros to the active code base.

There are also some UtilityScripts.


If you are not familiar with Python and/or the MoinMoin code base, but have a need or an idea for a macro, this is the place to ask for it. Someone might find it useful, too, and implement it.