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See also: MbTest:WikiIdeas Wiki:WikiWikiSuggestions Ward's Meta-Wiki
Your ideas always welcome here…
Sometimes I use MoinMoin for a weblog-type recording of events. It would be great to have maybe a macro that gets substituted by the current date and time when the user saves the page.
Something like Time''''''Stamp that would get substituted by 31/01/01 17:05, just one time.
It would be nice if the wiki would automatically determine if a user has been authenticated through a web server and use that for the User. If I happened to be using IIS, I could set it up to authenticate and then use os.environ['REMOTE_USER'] to find out who they are. If I were using Apache, I could do the same. If I were using Orion, etc, etc.
It would be nice if the page, one is currently reading or changing could be sent to an arbitrary email. This could perhaps be a new action and added to a toolbar. – GM
Email notification about changed wiki pages? Yes, definitely.
An alternative is some method of indicating that a particular page is of interest to some person or groups of people. The Attention Page macro on MacroMarket is one attempt towards this end. – RichardJones
We have a working system for this at Lineo. The python module for this is located at "action/mailchanges.py". Our system works as follows:
To subscribe to a page, a user puts the word “Subscribers” as a heading, at any level (preceded and follow it with equals signs) anywhere on the page. Then a user puts their e-mail address under this heading. Multiple e-mail addresses are allowed. Due to the nature of wikis, anyone can add or remove their (or anyone elses) “subscription” at any time. On submission of the edited page, the page “diff” is mailed to all addresses so registered.
For example, to subscribe to this page, I could just put the following on it:
===== Subscribers ===== tbird@lineo.com
A simple BizarStructuredText markup has been written and is available on the ParserMarket page. It is very similar to the StructuredText that Digital Creations developed for Zope. Its differences are mostly to do with ease of use. I also included the table markup as defined in the standard wiki markup that MoinMoin ships with. – RichardJones
I realize that this wouldn't be part of the MoinMoin itself, but there should be a repository in the download area for MoinMoin macros that people have written. As of the latest version, it's so easy to write macros, there should be a place where we can place macros we've written so others can get them (I've written some macros that people have asked for in other areas of this site, Even a macro that will look for all macros available on a MoinMoin and list them!) – Christian Bird - chris.bird@lineo.com
Either send them directly to me (jh@web.de) or to the moin-dev mailing list (moin-dev@dragon-ware.com). Then I'll add them to the default distribution or to a new macro collection.
See the new MacroMarket page. Interestingly enough, creating that page did not require any change to the code, though you can directly rip the macros from the subpages.
– J