This is a list of things that are to be implemented. If you miss a feature, have a neat idea or any other suggestion, please put it on MoinMoinIdeas. To discuss the merit of the planned extensions, or new features from MoinMoinIdeas, please use MoinMoinDiscussion. A list of things that are added to the current source in CVS are on MoinMoinDone. MoinMoinRelease describes how to build a release from the SourceForge repository.
Contents: TableOfContents
Things to do in the near future:
the refactoring)See MoinMoinBugs
uuml; SgmlEntities
* Configuration
outside the script proper (config file instead of
* When a save is in conflict with another update, use the rcs/cvs merge process to create the new page, so the conflicts can be refactored. Warn the user of this!
* Write timings to a log file (cgi_log) when configured accordingly, so we can check for necessary optimizations.
* Wiki:WikiWordStatistics (or just add counters to the WordIndex?)
* Document all MoinMoinUrlSchemes (i.e. action=whatever)
* Make a ZopeMoinMoin product, to compete with ZWiki product.
* I'll certainly not have the time to climb the Zope learning curve in the near future. The new source structure would allow to simply add a companion to
'Volunteers?'''The following actions are needed:
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