'The Stage of Romance
'The Stage of Precision
'The Stage of Generalisation
...He calls these rhythms Romance, Precision, and Generalization. In Romance, the teacher needs to awake the sense of wonder and curiosity in a student's mind. This will provide the impetus to pursue the learning to the next stage: Precision. In the second stage, the student studies by drill and repetition the formulae, rules, and grammars that build upon a thorough knowledge of a filed. In the third stage, Whitehead declares that the student needs to move into a realm of Generaliztion. In this rhythm, the student makes connections, applications, and full, mature usage of the material and ideas.
--Mark E. Valentine의 아마존리뷰
응주님 위키 보고 ThreeStagesOfLearning 재조명! ^^, 나도 굉장히 고민하는 부분이다. 오늘도 이 고민을 일구하고 이야기를 나누었다. –동희 20031113
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