Table of Contents

VisibleLearning 스터디 기록

범위: Chapter 7. The contributions from the teacher.

요약과 질문

1. 어떤 기준으로 Best teacher를 구분할까?

Q Best teacher와 그렇지 않은 teacher 그룹간의 학생의 수학성적 차이는 큰편. 독해는 그룹간의 성적 차이가 적은편. 어떤점을 시사할까?

2. 과목에대한 지식 (Subject matter knowledge) 가 중요하나?

Q. 우리나라의 교사 분포는 어떨까? 분포에서 오는 영향이 있나? 교육통계 사이트나 kriss 사이트에 있을려나? 수능 데이터가 공개 되어 있을려나?

3. Teaching practice 의 중요함

Q. 4년제 교육을 통한 교사그룹과 Emergency(?) 교사 그룹의 차이의 요인은?


... effects of teacher education are less on the subjects of these perspective teachers and greater on the conceptions of what teaching involves. |

Teacher subject matter knowledge

Quality of teaching

the key difference in the outcomes was that 74 percent of the student work samples in the class of NBC teachers were judged to reflect a level of deeper understanding (i.e., relational or extended abstract), and 26 percent reflected a more surface understanding. |

If anyone is serious about improving the academic achievement levels for all students, then this improvement will be obtained only by reducing the likelihood that students will be assigned to relatively ineffective teachers. | – Sanders, 2000, P. 335

when a student and teacher are the same race, the effects on student are no different than when the teachers are from a different background. |

Teacher-student relationships

Professional development




Chapter x


Chapter 3


Chapter 5

Chapter 6: The contributions from the school

아이들이 새로운 학교로 가서 한달안에 친구관계를 좋게 가지는냐가 중요함.