'성공과 실패의 비율은 어느 정도가 좋을까?
* Experiment: Are there areas of your work or your life in which you almost always succeed? What do you learn from those successes? How motivated are you in those areas?
* Experiment: Are there areas in which you almost always fail? What do you learn from those failures? How motivated are you in those areas?
* Experiment: Are there areas in which you sometimes succeed and sometimes fail? What do you learn from those successes and failures? How motivated are you in those areas?
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실패를 안할려고 하면 적게 배운다. 많이 배울려면, 빨리 일찍 실패하는게 좋다.
실패 또한 성공의 다른요소. 실패에 대해 잘 이해 해야겠군
성공을 2배로 올리고 싶으면 실패를 2배 많이! 일찍! 하자.
나의 경험
bd_c7_c6_d0.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/18 14:10 by