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Processing Instructions

MoinMoin processing instructions have the same semantics as in XML: they control the paths taken when processing a page. Processing instructions are lines that start with a “#” character followed by a keyword and optionally some arguments. Two consecutive hash marks at the start of a line are a comment that won't appear in the processed page.

Processing instructions this wiki knows of:

  • ## any-text: comment
  • #FORMAT format-specifier: defines the input format for this page, known formats are:
  • 'Wiki': default MoinMoin wiki markup
  • 'Plain': normal plain text
  • 'Python': colorized Python source
  • 'HTML' ( <!> not implemented)
  • 'StructuredText' ( <!> not implemented)
  • #REDIRECT pagename: redirect to a different page (see MeatBall:PageRedirect'')

All PIs must appear at the very start of a page. An exception are comment PIs, those may appear within a wiki page (but obviously not in pages using other formats).

For more information on the possible markup, see HelpOnEditing.

helponprocessinginstructions.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/18 14:10 by