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This is a marketplace for your actions. Please state your name, your email, and the release your macro is developed for (if you used a CVS snapshot, also state the revision number).

Use a special pagename [“action/”] and start your macro with the line {{{ #format python </code> This way, the action can directly be put on the page without any modification, and as easily copied from that page. See the examples below.

[“action/”]Christian Birdchris.bird@lineo.com0.8N/A
This is a modification to Richard Jones' Spell Check action, but this allows to easily add words via an input field
[“action/”]Christian Birdchris.bird@lineo.com0.8N/A
This is an action called by the LimitedSearch macro that allows searches within a limited portion of the wiki
[“action/”]Christian Birdchris.bird@lineo.com0.8N/A
This is a python module to place in your MoinMoin directory that allows anyone to easily subscribe to changes on any page

These actions only become available when J

macro_author_email_release_revision.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/18 14:10 by