The problem: my-laptop --- my-firewall --- internet --- miguel-angel's-firewall --- my-desktop-box \______Mexico City______/ \_________________Xalapa_________________/ I'm in my-laptop. My Evolution data is in my-desktop-box, and I need to copy it back to my-laptop. Mike's beautiful solution is this: my-laptop$ ssh -f -N -P -L 2222:my-desktop-box:22 miguel-angel's-firewall my-laptop$ rsync -vaz --delete -e 'ssh -x -P -p 2222' localhost:~/evolution ~ So we get an ssh that rsync runs over an ssh tunnel. I'm delighted. I can also do my-laptop$ ssh -p 2222 localhost my-desktop-box$ Which is plain elegant. 파이어월안에 있는 컴퓨터 쉽게 조작하기. -_-;; 역시 멋져. [Unix가밉다] 라고 한것 취소! 잘써먹겠군 ㅎㅎ
openssh.txt · Last modified: 2018/07/18 14:10 by