C-M-x ( “line 1”.postln; “line 2”.postln; “last line”; ) base code <code> ( var melody, bass, chord; bass = Pbind( \dur, Pseq([3.0],inf), \midinote, Pseq([67,62] - 12, inf) ); chord = Pbind( \amp, 0.05, \dur, Pseq([1.0,2.0],inf), \midinote, Pseq([\,[59,62,66],\, [57,61,66]] , inf) ); melody = Pbind( \dur, Pseq([ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,1 ,1, 3, 12],inf), \midinote, Pseq([\,66,69,67,66,61,59,61,62,57,54] + 12, inf) ); Ptpar([0,bass, 0,chord, 0,melody]).play ) }}} –http://www.iamas.ac.jp/~tn800/sc3/contest1/ 주말에 리믹스 해봐야지 —- ==== 마이크 가지고 놀기 ==== * 기본 입력 <code> AudioIn.ar([1,2],0.1) }.play; 마이크 [1,2] 스테레오 부터 입력 받아 재생
// "help-AudioIn" 이름으로 Out.ar에 재생. ( SynthDef("help-AudioIn",{ arg out=0; Out.ar(out, AudioIn.ar(1) // 마이크 모노 ) }).play; ) // stereo through patching from input to output ( SynthDef("help-AudioIn",{ arg out=0; Out.ar(out, AudioIn.ar([1,2]) //마이크[1,2] 스테레오 ) }).play; )
( { //ring modulatior SinOsc.ar(MouseX.kr(0.001,110,'exponential' ))*AudioIn.ar(1,0.1) }.play; // stereo through patching from input to output )
- Vocoder 만들기
SynthDef(\dVocoder, { arg out = 0; var signal, vocode; signal = AudioIn.ar(1, 5); vocode = Vocoder.ar(Saw.ar(150),signal, 8); Out.ar(out,vocode); }).play;
s.boot ( // @@@initialize var fttsize ; var fttBufA, fttBufB ; var inSynth, inVocal, vocoder ; fttsize = 512; fttBufA = Buffer.alloc(s,fttsize,1); fttBufB = Buffer.alloc(s,fttsize,1); // @@@SynthDef SynthDef("AudioInput", {arg audioin=1, outbus=0; Out.ar(outbus, AudioIn.ar(audioin)); }).send(s); SynthDef("SawSynth", {arg audioin=1, outbus=0; var output, freq, hasFreq; # freq, hasFreq = Pitch.kr(AudioIn.ar(audioin), ampThreshold: 0.02, median: 7); freq = freq.cpsmidi.round(1).midicps*1; output = HPF.ar(Saw.ar(freq, 0.3) + Saw.ar(freq*0.5, 0.4), freq * 1.5); Out.ar(outbus,output); }).send(s); SynthDef("FFTVocoder", {arg modin=0, carin=1, outbus=0; var output, input, chainA, chainB, chainC; input = In.ar(modin, 1); chainA = FFT(fttBufA.bufnum, (HPF.ar(HPF.ar(input, 3000, 2)+(input*0.4), 100)) ); chainB = FFT(fttBufB.bufnum, In.ar(carin, 1)); chainC = PV_MagMul(chainB, chainA); output = Limiter.ar(IFFT(chainC), 1, 0.01); ReplaceOut.ar(outbus,[output,output]); }).send(s); // @@@Synthsize inVocal = Synth.new("AudioInput", [\audioin, 1, \outbus, 0], s); inSynth = Synth.new("SawSynth", [\audioin, 1, \outbus, 1], inVocal, \addAfter); vocoder = Synth.new("FFTVocoder", [\outbus, 0, \modin, 0, \carin, 1 ], inSynth, \addAfter); )
- harmony with mic (휘파람 불면 물소리남)
( // (Dan Stowell) (public domain 2006) // USE HEADPHONES to prevent feedback. x = { var son, freq, hasFreq, amp, out, harm; son = AudioIn.ar(1); // get first channel of sound input # freq, hasFreq = Pitch.kr(son); // Pitch of input signal amp = Amplitude.ar(son); // Amplitude of input signal harm = SinOsc.ar(freq * 2, 0, amp * hasFreq); Pan2.ar(harm + son) }.play; ) x.free; // Use this to stop the synth
- Reverb
SynthDef("reverb1", {arg mix=0.2, decaytime=15,in=0, out=0; var input; var p,e; var f1, f2,z,a=4,c=5; input = (0.2 * AudioIn.ar([1,2])); x = DelayN.ar(input, 0.048); y = Mix.ar(CombL.ar(x, 0.1, LFNoise1.kr(Array.fill(c,{0.1.rand}), 0.04, 0.05), decaytime)); a.do({ y = AllpassN.ar(y, 0.050, [0.050.rand,0.050.rand], 1) }); Out.ar(0, (input+(mix*y))); }).play;
참고: http://year-of-the-croissant.blogspot.com/
참고: https://devel.goto10.org/listing.php?repname=ixi&path=%2Fsupercollider%2F&rev=0&sc=0
참고: http://puredyne.itchybit.org/testing/iso/puredyne.iso 배포판