인간의 사고를 위한 도구 중에서 특별히 컴퓨터를 중심의 역사를 훑어가는 “아주 재미있는”, Howard Rheingold의 베스트셀러. 컴퓨터 전문가나, 컴퓨터 생초보나 모두 읽어볼만 하다.
특히 9장과 14장은 각각 DougEngelbart와 Ted Nelson라는 하이퍼텍스트 및 WWW의 아버지들에 대한 이야기로 인터넷의 과거, 미래를 보고 싶은 사람들에게 강추.
Chapter One: The Computer Revolution Hasn't Happened Yet Chapter Two: The First Programmer Was a Lady Chapter Three: The First Hacker and his Imaginary Machine Chapter Four: Johnny Builds Bombs and Johnny Builds Brains Chapter Five: Ex-Prodigies and Antiaircraft Guns Chapter Six: Inside Information Chapter Seven: Machines to Think With Chapter Eight: Witness to History: The Mascot of Project Mac Chapter Nine: The Loneliness of a Long-Distance Thinker Chapter Ten: The New Old Boys from the ARPAnet Chapter Eleven: The Birth of the Fantasy Amplifier Chapter Twelve: Brenda and the Future Squad Chapter Thirteen: Knowledge Engineers and Epistemological Entrepreneurs Chapter Fourteen: Xanadu, Network Culture, and Beyond
실제로 MIT 출판사에서 종이로 출판되기도 했고, 온라인으로 전문(하지만 이전 판)을 읽을 수 있다. http://www.rheingold.com/texts/tft/
Progress on the Frontiers: Technology and Progress
Dr. DougEngelbart, founder of the Bootstrap Institute and inventor of the mouse, and Dr. Alan Kay, inventor of the concept of Graphical User Interface (GUI) for personal computers, discuss the impact of information technology on the ways in which we organize work, educate children, and promote progress.